General Information:
- N2396J
- Serial #18-7909116
- 1654 TT
- 758 SNEW (1998)
- 4/24 Annual
- Floats to be annual & installed 5/21/24
- Engine: Lycoming 0-360-C4P 180hp
- 7/10 Interior
- 9/10 Exterior
- Completely recovered/repainted (2006 by Cub Crafters)
- All AD's and mandatory SB's are in compliance
- Damage History: 2006 ground loop. Repaired and rebuilt by Cub Crafters
- King KLX135A GPS/Com
- King KT-74 Transponder (No ADS-B)
- Garmin 496 GPS with Audio
- PS Engineering PM1000//Intercom
- Davtron M800 chronometer
- Electric Turn & Bank
- Lift Reserve Indicator
- Reiff Electric Engine Heater
- 3” Extended Gear with Safety Cables
- Cleveland Wheel and Brake Assemblies
- 8.50x6 Tires
- Boundary Layer Research Vortex Generators
- Boundary Layer Research Tail Strakes
- Sealed Wing Struts
- Rear Under Seat Storage
- Extended Rear Baggage Compartment (12/2006)
- Baggage Door (12/2006)
- Baggage Compartment Barrier Net
- Welded Float Fittings (12/2006)
- Left & Right Fuselage Maneuvering Handles
- Scott 3200 Tailwheel
- Aluminum Ailerons and Flaps
- Wipaire 2100 Amphibious Floats
- Lake & Air Amphibian Landing Gear Position Advisory System
- Electric and Manual Hydraulic Gear Pumps
- Tail T-Handle
- Wipaire 2000lbs Gross Weight Increase Kit
- Atlee Dodge Extended Range Fuel Tanks (60 gallons)
- Atlee Dodge Vented Fuel Caps
- Lift Reserve Indicator
- Cub Crafter Modified Scott Master Cylinders
- Inertial Front and Rear Shoulder Harness
- Front Seatbelts Welded Floor Mount (12/2006)
- McCauley Float Prop 1A2001FA82-42
- Sensenich Cruise Prop 76EM8-0-56
- Cub Crafter HD Spinner Assembly
758 (1998)