Cars/Taxis/Limos | Phone No. | Service Details |
Enterprise | 608-661-4900 (5,4) | Delivered to Wisconsin Aviation (Emerald member ID required).* |
Hertz | 608-241-3803 | Delivered to Wisconsin Aviation (Gold member ID required).* |
National/Alamo | 608-249-1614 | Delivered to Wisconsin Aviation (Emerald member ID required).* |
Avis | 608-242-2442 | Delivered to Wisconsin Aviation (Wizard member ID required).* |
Budget | 608-242-0429 | Delivered to Wisconsin Aviation (Wizard member ID required).* |
Madison Taxi | 608-258-7458 | |
Union Cab | 608-242-2000 | |
Green Cab | 608-255-1234 | |
800-725-5655 608-242-7000 |
Visit Gallant Knight Limousine's website by clicking here. | |
608-423-2300 | Visit GO Riteway transportation's website by clicking here. | |
Courtesy Cars | 800-594-5359 | Provided by Wisconsin Aviation for local driving. |
*Require a member ID to deliver. To ensure rental cars are dropped off at the Wisconsin Aviation location, it is best to book through Wisconsin Aviation by calling 608-268-5000. |