Flight School/Rentals Testimonials

Absolutely the best organization in the State. Weather it is service or training related, you will not find a better FBO group in Wisconsin.

~ Ken Reid

You could not wish for better people to work with you on your Aviation dreams. Down to Earth, customer service friendly, warm and personnel. Thank you Mary for answering my many questions and fielding my call. You truly are a professional. Thank you for helping and guiding me to join your family, at Wisconsin Aviation. Respectfully a future pilot. Rk.

~ Russ Kunz

Completed a BFR with Jeff Anderson on Monday. Learned a lot, great review and always a good work out! After seeing what an iPad and ForeFlight is all about it's at the top of my 'to be purchased' list! Can't make the 11/3 seminar but will get to the next one. Thanks Jeff!

~ Lee Taylor

Just came back from an introductory flight. I wanted to thank Andrew, from one CFI to another. He did a fantastic job and gave a great first flight experience to my girlfriend who has never flown before.
He was very professional and accommodating when it came to scheduling. Keep up the good work!

~ Timothy Hopkins

Started my flying a year and a half ago. Wisconsin aviation did an amazing job getting me ready to be successful for whatever I want from Flying.

The instructors are selfless and put the students ahead of any agenda. Learning both the classroom (book) stuff we need to know and a really good understanding in practical flying. (especially when I got into my IFC training).

More and more people are signing up for intros and lessons. Which means we need more instructors. Let's identify some potentially really good instructors and get them qualified. We need teachers. (maybe you can even ask the pilot from last year's Rally competition. I heard he was amazing

~ Brad

"No time could be spent better in the sense of our needs. The instructors understood perfectly our skills and gave us the right concepts we were missing about US airspace, airports and procedures."

~ Massimo & Mirko from Italy