Aviation Links and Resources

AOPA - www.aopa.org

EAA - www.eaa.org

FAA - http://www.faa.gov/

Flight School List - http://www.flightschoollist.com

Global Air - www.globalair.com

IFF - International Flying Farmers - www.internationalflyingfarmers.org

Landings.com - http://www.landings.com/

Midwest Flyer - http://www.midwestflyer.com/

Pilot Portal USA - Information for the American Aviator: Flight Schools, Aviation Weather, Aviation Directory, Aviation Dictionary, Aviation News, and more - http://pilotportalusa.atspace.com

Wisconsin Airport Management Association - www.wiama.org

Wisconsin Aviation Hall of Fame - http://www.wisconsinaviationhalloffame.org/

Door County Premier Resorts (pilot courtesy car available) - www.doorcountypremierresorts.com